Monday, March 16, 2009


So this Saturday evening I had a hypnobirthing session with one of my clients who is due in a couple of weeks. It was pretty darn cool and I'm hoping we can use it for this birthing. If anyone has any hypnobirthing success stories or tips, please share them! I've had one other client who wanted to go the hypnobirthing route but her baby ended up being breech so she couldn't use it.

When I talk to people (non-doulas) about hypnobirthing they are SUPER skeptical. Pain-free birth? It seems inconceivable to some but I hope it works out. People often have the wrong idea when you mention hypnosis. It's not like some weirdo guy waving a clock in front of your eyes and bringing you into a trance, it's more just eliminating fear from the birthing process and going into the power of your labor and breathing through it. We shall see. I will be sure to report how it goes.


  1. Hi-
    I'm a HypnoBirthing instructor & have taught over 200 couples. I have a blog at that has lots of wonderful HypnoBirthing birth stories & links to videos. Check it out! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly through my website at www.AWellLivedLife.Net. The more doulas that know & understand that birth doesn't have to necessarily be full of pain, the better! Glad you are open to the idea. :)

  2. I have used hypnobirthing both times now and I plan to use it again for this next baby. Every time I had a contraction I stopped talking, stopped everything, closed my eyes and breathed deep long breaths until they were over. While breathing I envisioned my uterus pulling back and the baby moving down and out. The breathing helped with the pain and visualizing helped take my mind off the pain. I still felt pain, but it was always tolerable and in between contractions I felt focused and in control and had a great time.
