Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Started

Birth is a messy and beautiful process. It is the kind of thing that makes some people cringe with disgust and others cry with joy. Regardless of your stance, however, most would agree that witnessing a birth is an unforgettable experience.

For some reason, I was never under the impression that birth was gross, not even as a little girl. I was always fascinated by pregnancy and birth and wanted to learn more and more about it. My mother told me that I had "baby-dar" because I would always spot babies on the streets, in restaurants, at the library, in the doctor's office. I was hooked. I constantly thought to myself- babies are amazing. They are these little people that did not exist on earth just a short time ago.

After working with newborns for three years, I still feel that way.

I'm not over it- the amazing process of pregnancy and birth and witnessing the miracle of a little person coming into this world that moments before did not exist on its own.

As I guide my clients through their deliveries, I share my enthusiasm with them for the birthing process. I think it helps. When you put aside the fear that labor is all about pain, you realize that labor is all about bringing a new life into this world. Yes, it can be painful...but it can also be amazing. By focusing on the baby, the new person you are going to share your life with, you can give into the strength of the contractions and allow nature to take its course. The course might be long and it will probably be tiring, but it will definitely be worth it.

I am a doula (a labor support companion) and an aspiring midwife. I may not have my own babies yet but I have a lot of babies that I consider "my babies," I have watched these little ones come into the world and I have shared the experience with their mothers and fathers and grandparents. It's a pretty great job. I can't complain.

1 comment:

  1. hi Kacky,
    Wow, great blog and start! I'm very proud of you! And you definitely have "baby-dar"!!
    I love you...Mom
