Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My First Birth

Right after I finished doula training I sent out an email to all of the midwives at Brigham and Women's to offer my doula services for free for their patients. I didn't receive too many responses from the midwives at first and was a little bummed that they would not want to utilize my doula services. After all--I had just finished the doula training and was SO excited to go to my first birth.

A few weeks later I was at work when I received a call from Alicia (names of my clients will always be changed for their privacy). She explained to me that she was 39 weeks pregnant with her second baby and she had gotten my name and phone number from her midwife. A couple of minutes into the phone conversation I noticed that she was breathing heavily and pausing at times. Oh yes, she was having contractions.

Alicia explained that her husband was out of the country and that she was afraid that she would have to leave her 6-year-old home alone when she had to go to the hospital. Her mother was there with her for another few days but after that she would be all alone. Between what seemed to be intensifying contractions, she asked, "Will you be my doula?"

I tried to hold back my excitement and I told her that I would love to be her doula and I would help in any way that I could. About 8 hours later she called to tell me that she was headed to the hospital and I soon joined her there.

I entered the triage area of labor and delivery and immediately met Alicia's mother who was in the waiting area while her daughter was being admitted. Minutes later we were led into the triage room where Alicia was visibly contracting every four to five minutes. The contractions were extremely intense and sweat was beading along her hairline as she breathed through each one. I introduced myself and quickly got to work helping her get into more comfortable positions and coaching her through the breathing during contractions. Her mother and I made a dynamic team and together we were able to focus her on the ultimate goal and relieve some of her pain.

Alicia was amazingly strong and did not ask for pain medication once. She said more than once "Erica [the baby] is going to kill me" but never questioned her ability to labor naturally. Once we were moved into the official labor and delivery room, we had more space to move around and labor in upright positions. The labor progressed extremely rapidly and four hours later a very healthy 9lb5oz baby girl was born. I will never forget the intensity of the experience and how natural I felt helping a woman through labor. Although I had never been to a delivery before, I seemed to know exactly what to do to help Alicia achieve the birth experience she wanted. When her mother asked me how many labors I had been to after Erica was born, she was shocked when I told her this was my first one. Alicia's labor and Erica's birth truly confirmed that this was my calling. I couldn't wait to help with more deliveries.

1 comment:

  1. Kat--

    I am so excited for you...it sounds amazing and like you have found your true passion in life. Congrats!!

